The story of Sherlock Holmes takes place in London at the end of the XIX century and the beginning of XX century, just before World War I, during the last period of the Victorian Era of British history. Тhe Victorian Era, marked by the peaceful reign of Queen Victoria, was a long period of prosperity, refined sensibilities and national self-confidence for Britain.
During the same period in France, Belgium and Europe in general there was an atmosphere of optimism and creativity, marked by new technology and scientific discoveries, a period which would later be named "Belle Époque".
In that same period the United States, after the Reconstruction Era after the civil war, were experiencing rapid economic growth and increase in industrialization, and entering an era that would later be called the Gilded Age.
The Victorian London: In Sherlock Holmes' London, after many sanitation reforms, sewage systems had been installed in the city as well as water supply, gas network, lighting and heating. |
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